Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What's Your Design Style?? Take the Quiz!

So I was poking around on Apartment Therapy like I do almost every other day, and I stumbled upon this fun post about online design quizzes. Of course I took all 3 (don't worry they each took between 2-5 mins). I thought two were pretty spot on, the third not so much.

According to HomeGoods' Stylescope, I'm "Sassy" with a touch of "Urban Funk" which looks like...

To style my home they suggested starting with a crisp fresh white room - which I have and often refer to as my 'blank canvas' - and add bright colors and bold patterns. Besides the bright pink sheets and standing bunch of sunflowers on my window sill, I haven't yet added much color. I originally thought I wanted to do the whole "Spa Serenity Chic" thing, but at this point it feels boring and gets visibly dirty too quickly. Meh.

Over at Sproost, my style was decidedly a mix of "Hollywood Couture" (60%), "French Eclectic" (20%) and Modern Elegance (20%) based on a flurry of rooms I rated on a 5 point, love it to hate it, scale. Hollywood Couture, taking the lead, also seemed more aligned with the look I've been going for with my new place.

Shiny whites contrasted with rich browns sprinkled with sparkly mirrored accents, silver and gold. The key apparently to this style is that "each item feel as rich and as over the top as possible and yet everything still seems livable...not a space that screams "do not touch" - rather it almost dares you to experience it's luxury." Is it bad that I kind of feel like that statement encompasses my entire existence? Bahaha, but in all seriousness, that's exactly how I want my home to feel. I want it to be glamorous, but approachable, fabulous, but comfortable. I'm missing that homey feel at the moment that only texture and color can bring.

Now I'm inspired to combine my two styles...a HomeGoods run is so overdue!

Thinking of moving soon? Tired of your current place and need some sprucing up? Take the quizzes (HomeGoods' Stylescope & Sproost) and get inspired!


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