Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!! Resolution Time...

While one would think having a week off from work would bode all the time in the world for R&R and blog posts, it did no such thing. The holidays hit me like a tornado, between thinking I was Santa and shopping up a storm to spending loads of tech-free time with the fam in NJ, the end of 2012 hit hard and went out with a bang with a NYE Extravaganza including a party bus to AC to see the amazing Tiesto spin for literally 3 hours. It was cray. In the best of ways.

Nonetheless, I can finally come up for air and set a few resolutions. In my humble opinion, the key to setting resolutions is setting some that you can keep track of and that you know you can actually keep. No lofty things you'll throw the towel in on a week later. I also allow myself to wait until my birthday (Jan. 28th) because it gives me a month to reflect on the previous year and set goals really specific to my personal growth, after celebrating another year of life. And this year's a big one...twenty five...o_O... and for that I will be celebrating on the shores of Me-Xi-Co!!

So when I return from Mexico, here are a few things I've thought of so far that I will ensure to kick off 2013 and the year of 25 (gulp lol) correctly by:

1.) Making LV time at least once a week. 
Whether it's a bubble bath, writing in a journal, a dance class, or reading a cheesy novel with a big glass of red, at least one night a week, I will do something that is for my enjoyment and mine alone. Too often, do we spread ourselves too thin and ignore our own needs. Between work and social lives or taking care of family, significant others, etc., how often do you really say to yourself today is a me day? If you do, I commend you. I will start this year.

2.) If it's less than 5 flights, taking the stairs. 
I currently live on the 2nd floor. And at first the rule was to always take the stairs. Then it was if I'm wearing heels, I'll take the elevator. Then it was always down, but only sometimes up. This is ridiculous. I should always take the stairs. It's the easiest mini-workout ever.

3.) Create wind down time before bed.
Are you one of those people that falls asleep with the TV blaring and virtually every light on in the apartment, fully clothed, face beat and remnants of dinner potentially still on the stove? Oh maybe that's just me... :-/ I'm getting better about the food thing, putting it away as soon as I've made my serving, cuts down on mindless second and third helpings, and easier to clean up when you're already in kitchen groove. But I'm really bad about washing my makeup off, flossing, brushing, putting on cute pajamas, etc, especially since I shower after work everyday (yes, I wash the cubicle off ASAP). I'm going to try to turn the TV off at least 20 mins before bed, maybe save the showering and primping until then and then get in bed and reflect about the day in darkness before drifting off to sleep. I hear it makes for a better slumber.

4.) Wake up earlier and plan my day.
Do you remember those Folgers commercials where the adults would come down to the kitchen in their robe, yawn, hit the coffeemaker and pick up the newspaper while they waited? Apparently that's how adult mornings look, huh? Yeah mine look nothing like that. It's more like me writhing hiding beneath the comforter until I've left myself no more than 30 mins to get ready and out the door. I want to get up and have time to eat breakfast and watch the Today show (I watch now, but do I really have time for that? not so much) and check my calendar, so I'm not freaking out in the middle of the day just remembering that I have plans after work and I'm inappropriately clad. Maybe coffee's the trick?

5.) Get into meal planning. 
There's nothing that annoys me more than not knowing what I'm going to have for lunch or dinner. And I really can't be mad at anyone else but me, because I don't set aside the brain time to think about it, or the hands on time to pack it the morning the few times I actually have food in the fridge, but it really annoys me. Almost as much as throwing out unused ingredients that have kicked it in my refrigerator past their prime. Since I shop for specific meals, I buy all these random ingredients, and rarely incorporate them into other meals later in the week. Epic. budget. fail. Must. do. better.

So those are a few I'm going to try and hold myself too this year, nothing too lofty, all measurable, all in my control. What attainable resolutions will you set?


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