Friday, July 27, 2012

Home Decor Luxe for Less - DIY

So I've been quite the busy bee when it comes to figuring out what I want my apartment to say and represent, while of course not breaking my piggy bank. And I came across a few things that I knew I wanted and finally got around to making my own. 

The first undertaking was this monogrammed canvas that I saw on Pinterest a few weeks ago and loved. 

Did a little research and found out that the monogram was actually a wood cutout glued to a canvas, despite my original thoughts that it was a painting. Nonetheless, I ventured to the art supply store and sought out the materials to paint my monogram onto a canvas board. And with the help of my mighty 3initials iPhone app, voila! 

The paint's still drying, but now I must figure out where I'd like to hang it. Because it's canvas board it's light enough to go anywhere. I'm considering hanging it over the ugly utility box in the entryway...

Armed with paintbrushes and paint, when I saw these adorable confetti tumblers from Anthropologie turned into a DIY by Zandi over at Radical Possibility, I was inspired. 
And the arts & crafts lover in me stayed up all night painting these little buggers, not exactly sure what'd I'd use them for but knew it'd come to me...
And so they became cosmetic brush, cotton ball and q-tip holders in my bathroom! At least until I decide on my vanity situation. 

With all the metallic dots on the bathroom counter, I remembered this Moondance shower curtain I'd fallen in love with weeks ago...

And balked when I saw the $150 price tag. Like seriously, who pays $150 for a shower curtain?!? So the lightbulb again went off. And I took 2 sets of Ikea sheer curtains ($5/ea) and went to dipping and dabbing with my painting sponge, and about an hour later viola!

I have my own version of the moondance shower curtain for all of $10! I have the furthest clue how it's going to hold up to moisture since I used acrylic paint, but I guess we shall see! 

Would love to hear what you think of my home decor hacks. I promise to give an apartment tour of the finished product, but not a minute sooner! 

But I will share that today I found this awesome website, Trendy Wall Designs, with tons of great easy to use and removable wall decals, perfect for the renter who hates blank walls and losing money over paint and holes even more. This may very well may be making a debut on my wall...

Love Square Wall Decal...decisions decisions...


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